bat files are converted to sh files, and bugs are fixed.
4 If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 1 then
8 If WScript.Arguments.item(0) = "on" Then
20 ' Set Locator = WScript.CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
21 ' Set Service = Locator.ConnectServer
22 ' Set QfeSet = Service.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_DesktopMonitor")
27 ' If Qfeset.Count = 2 Then
28 ' For Each Qfe In QfeSet
30 ' accum = accum + Qfe.Availability
32 ' If accum = 38 Or accum = 83 Then
34 ' ElseIf accum = 33 Then
40 Set objWsh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
41 objWsh.Run "control.exe desk.cpl ,4"
42 Do Until objWsh.AppActivate("画面のプロパティ")
47 objWsh.SendKeys "{TAB}"
49 objWsh.SendKeys "{TAB 4}"
51 objWsh.SendKeys "{UP 19}"
52 objWsh.SendKeys "{LEFT 29}"
53 objWsh.SendKeys "{DOWN 7}"
54 objWsh.SendKeys "{TAB 9}"
55 'objWsh.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
56 ElseIf action = "off" Then
57 objWsh.SendKeys "{TAB}"
59 objWsh.SendKeys "{TAB 5}"
61 objWsh.SendKeys "{TAB 8}"
62 'objWsh.SendKeys "{ENTER}"